Episode 82: Fascia Health And Kinesthetic Intelligence- Revolutionizing Your Wellness Routine With Lauren Roxburgh (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 82.

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Amy: 0:00

We are so excited for you to dive into this episode with Lauren Roxborough learning all about fascia. Make sure you listen until the end where we are going to be talking about a giveaway we're doing with Lauren. Enjoy the episode and stay tuned till the end Welcome to Nirvana sisters podcast where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman.

Katie Chandler: 0:33

And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation

Amy: 0:43

Welcome back to the show Nirvana sisters family. It's Amy and Katie and we are here with Lauren rocks Bora, who's dubbed the body whisperer. She is a world renowned board certified Structural Integration bodywork practitioner, you've probably seen her on Instagram, doing all of her amazing fascia workouts which we're here to you're all about. She is a Pilates Pro and author and educator specializing in fascia health and mind body alignment. Lowe is the co founder of aligned life studio, which is a virtual platform that offers a new paradigm in health and fitness, which we're super excited to hear about. And she has a unique focus on fascial wellness designed to help people align and strengthen their bodies shed physical and emotional weight while enhancing resilience and confidence. So welcome to the show. Lauren, we're so excited to talk to you.

Unknown: 1:33

Oh my gosh, you guys, Amy. And Katie, thank you so much for having me. It's so fun to do this kind of thing. So I'm excited to dive in.

Amy: 1:41

As to before we start off, we just want to do a Nirvana moment around the week and talk about something that brought us joy this week. So I'll kick it to Katy to talk about your Nirvana this week. All right.

Katie Chandler: 1:53

Thanks, Amy. What Yes, Lauren, we're so excited to talk to you. I have so many great questions for you. But before we do, I think mine Irvine, I was kind of going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to share this because it's personal. And it's probably a little too early to share it. But I thought it was a really special moment. So I'm going back to work as a model, which I once was many years ago. And I signed with my agency the other day. So that was exciting. That was a fun moment. So yeah, that's it.

Amy: 2:22

That's super exciting. You scared me for a second when you said I haven't taught and when I say you're pregnant.

Unknown: 2:28

That's so exciting, though. Wow.

Katie Chandler: 2:32

Thank you. And the reason why I'm like, kind of keeping it close to the chest is because like, who knows how it's gonna pan out. We'll see if the work starts rolling in. But you know, I'm gonna go back and give it a go. It's a science experiment. And it'll be fun. Beautiful. That's

Amy: 2:47

amazing. So proudly, so

Katie Chandler: 2:48

what about you?

Amy: 2:49

So well, my younger so I have two boys, Lauren, and my younger son just turned 13. And he had his bar mitzvah this weekend, this past weekend. So it was an incredible weekend with family and friends. He did so good. I was so proud of him. It's so hard, I think to get up there and like, read through, you know, read the Torah and talk about what your Bar Mitzvah means to you. It's just, you know, it's it's a big challenge. And I think it's really given him a lot of confidence to get through it. And just He did such a great job. And we had such a fun party for him. And just, it was just really, really special. And then we're taking him to Israel as a part to which cage is joining us for doing a big family trip and a couple of weeks. So future nirvana. But um, yeah, so it was just a really fun time and wonderful, amazing. We can sell oh my god go on this week. Yeah. And that's a transition in life. That's beautiful. Big one. Yeah. What about you, Lauren?

Unknown: 3:49

would be it's actually that we're you know, living in the South Island of New Zealand and Spring has sprung and it is just absolutely stunning. Here. The sun is shining. The grass is green. The flowers are blooming we planted our veggie garden and so it's starting to really blossom like we can already eat from the garden. And to me that's Nirvana at its greatest, lifeforce energy, connecting with mother nature and being present and watching the growth happen every day and putting love into it and doing my sound bowls over it. And you know, watching the sun, just open it up. So it's really beautiful to see nature in action for me. I love that. Yeah,

Katie Chandler: 4:30

that's amazing. And we should say, Lauren is coming into coming to us all the way from New Zealand and she is in the coolest space right now. What did you call it? What did you say this space was before? Give a name for it.

Unknown: 4:41

This is a geodesic dome. It's my healing dome where I do all of my programming, record all my videos and webinars and podcasts. So it's a great little sanctuary for me away from the noise of like home and kids and all of that so it's my little escape hatch.

Katie Chandler: 4:59


Amy: 5:00

Looks like oh, is it like, is it? Is it like near your house? Or is it somewhere you go.

Unknown: 5:05

So it's uh, we're on about an acre of land. And so it's like a I don't know, maybe about a 20 step from our deck to, like, gosh, garden and I can see the lake in the mountains and everything. So it's,

Amy: 5:18

it's very nice.

Unknown: 5:19

It's pretty awesome. didn't ever think we'd be living here, but we're making the most of it. So

Amy: 5:25

yeah, it's beautiful for our listeners will, will, will, will show some pictures of Lauren's amazing, beautiful space your your aligned life. mini studio over there.

Katie Chandler: 5:35

Exactly. All right. So that's okay. Do we have any questions to ask? And Lauren, you I know. You cover so many amazing things in regards to health and wellness and alignment and balance and but we are super interested in your very interesting perspective. And like, it's nothing I've ever really heard of before. It's like a very specialized thing. And that's fascia. And I would love for you to just help us better understand help our listeners, some of our listeners have probably never even heard the word. What is fascia? Why is it important? Why are we why should we be taking care of it? Why do you specialize on it?

Unknown: 6:24

Great questions. So it's really an interesting one, I never really thought I would just, you know, stumble upon this system of the body. But when I was it was about in 2008, I was going through a really tough time in my life. And I discovered the work of Ida Rolf, which is called Structural Integration. And it's the thing that I'm board certified in and essentially what it is is Ida Rolf discovered fascia in the 1960s. I mean, the ancient wisdoms like iron beta and Chinese medicine have known about it for ages. But it was the first time kind of Western medicine was acknowledging the system in the body. And she was actually in the 1960s. Either off was a rocket scientists studying the human body and gravity. And she was really curious. And she studied osteopathy. She looked into all the ancient wisdoms and yoga and all kinds of different like Reiki and healing modalities. And she decided to create a system, a systematic approach to bring the body into better structural alignment. So her whole idea was that when your body is functioning well, and relating to gravity, well, then the healing energy within you will just basically pulse through you and kind of fix and cure everything. So I found it in 2009. And I started getting really curious about it, I had a session myself with my teacher. And I just got off the table. And I felt like I had had 10 years of talk therapy and 10 years of physical therapy in 190 minute session. So how to learn this, like I and I was going through so much I was going through divorce from my ex husband, my mother was very sick with cancer, I was going through a traumatic thing in my work life, I was being embezzled, all of these things were happening, I call it my perfect storm. But I found this work. And I did the work. And I signed up and I did the two year program. And it just like I found my purpose. So I realized that when I was younger, in high school, I was never really that great at school, like writing and all of those things and math, but what I figured out is that I had something else called kinesthetic intelligence. And so that means basically, that you're really good at feeling, feeling through your hands or feeling through your heart or feeling on all of those levels. And so what's exciting to me about fascia is that it is now being called the sixth sense. So if you think about like the nose is to smelling, the ears are to hearing the skin is to touch the tongue is to taste the eyes are to sight the fascia is to feeling and so I stumbled upon this amazing system in the body. And I realized that it was my way of really learning about the body through like learning about the anatomy, learning about energy learning about structural imbalances, when people have, you know, issues within the body like compensations, postural problems, trauma, tension, all these things that layer up into the body, they create this buildup within the fascial system. So it's really an interesting question, because it's quite a large answer. And it's sort of very comprehensive. So I had to kind of do the work myself, go through my own, you know, turning my own pain into purpose, and then realizing that this was actually my gift and I found my gift through are going through the mud, you know, like the lotus flower rising through the mud. And so now I feel super lucky and blessed to be able to share this with more and more people on the planet because now especially we've had so much more trauma, collective trauma in our world and every human on the planet have had some sort of extreme trauma in the last few years, with all of the grief of everything we've felt from the world, and also all the transitions and transformations we've all had to go through. So right now, there's never been a better time to get to know your fascia, which is considered the sensory organ. So as we know, we think of when we can feel feeling is healing. So feeling is the beginning to creating the shift within which helps create the shift on the planet. So it's a really powerful part of the body that science in the last few years has just recently create had been had the chance to use new technology, new cameras, to see fascia in a living body. So for years, we always thought, oh, yeah, fascia, it's a scaffold teen it's holding you up and gravity, some people would call it the organ of shape and form. It's this webbing, you know, structure are holding you up. It's Think of it like, you know, the white part on chicken. So that's like the fascia. But what we didn't realize until the last few years is that it's not just holding us up. It's actually enabling cell communication. It's touching every single cell of your entire body. It's like a living tapestry intertwining every system of the body, all 12 systems. So the lymphatic system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, the organs, all of it, it's, it's just absolutely incredible. So it's so exciting to me, and even when you're looking at it in the spiritual world, it's also the way consciousness is transmitted through us. So it's how we move energy. So it's how the brain talks to the gut, the heart talks to the brain is through the fascia, the connective tissue, and what it's made out of is collagen and elastin. And it also has a water shell around it. And the water is what creates the electricity in the body. So how cool is that? A bash shell, like cytoskeleton, like a soft skeleton, but it also transmits energy and information. It's the biological fabric that keeps us elastic, but also helps the energy and the information and the nutrients pulls through us. So cool.

Katie Chandler: 12:40

I never know that it was that complex. I always, of course, I had no idea but I always just thought it was it was something that was related to your muscles. And it was that sound. So I thought so it Yeah. Is it? Does it live? course through your

Unknown: 12:55

muscles? No, no, no, that's great. Actually, this is what I always thought too. And this is how I wrote about it for years, because I didn't know the next, you know, kind of evolution of what we're able to see now under the microscope and through science and case studies. So I always thought like, oh, yeah, it's just it's superficial fascia. So it lives right underneath your skin, and it wraps around your muscles individually and also wraps around the joints. But there's what we're realizing now and what we've found is that it does that but it also weaves deeper into this into the deeper they call it deep fascia. So their superficial fascia that lives underneath the skin, that's the one we want to have plump, and hydrated. That gives us that radiance and flow and juiciness on the skin. Because when we have good healthy collagen, full fascia that's, you know, that's moving and juicing itself and staying hydrated, then our skin gets plumped up. But then we have it weaving through, it's inside the lining of our guts. It's also around each individual organ, the heart, the lungs, the bladder, the kidneys, the adrenals, it's everywhere. And it's it's even in the scalp and the face. So it's wrapped around our whole body as like a kind of an Saran wrapping. Under The Skin. Some people call it the second skin but also goes deeper into that kind of weaving that tapestry and through the entire body, touching every cell and every system. It's fascinating.

Amy: 14:24

So it is fascinating. And I'm sure there could be like a whole discussion about this. But to break it down for the listeners in terms of like what they can do at home, like do you go to get a treatment done? Or can you do it yourself with tools? Like how does one start like I want to start work? I don't know what the word is working out my fashion tomorrow, like what do I do? Where do

Unknown: 14:46

we start? I know I would say, well, fashion is my love language and it's called me communicating with you. You know this, it's the origin of sense and feeling. So it's always talking to you. It's speaking to You through sensations it speaking to you through your phone, the pulse of your heart, the speed of your breath, butterflies in your belly, the weight of the world on the shoulders, pain, gut feelings, intuition, all of the sensations, maybe even like arousal, contraction, expansion. All of those things are messages from your fascia from your sensory organ. And so how do we start working with it, we have to, we have to listen to it. So we need to not numb we need to realize that pain is a message. Reframing the relationship to pain as a way to understand our body, learn the language and master the language of our body. That's I mean the language of our body the secret language of our body is coming from our fascia. So when we do that, we have the opportunity to really heal and to transform on so many levels. So the things that I recommend it's funny being here in New Zealand, I had these total epiphanies because I used to go and have the bodywork done that I was also learned and coming here There isn't anyone that does it because there's only 3000 people in the world that are actually trained in this type of bodywork. So if you're in big cities usually can find someone we're in a very small town village and I so I thought well, okay, I guess I'm gonna have to be my own body worker. So I'm I have designed these self bodywork tools for people to like, open their diaphragm open their lower back there QL their feet, their jaw, the cranium, all the different areas. So I'm actually creating a whole program around this to do the self bodywork. But for people to get started, it's very easy. You lay on a foam roller, you're addressing your fascia right away. What I love that is it's helping you drop into the parasympathetic state of the nervous system, which is about rest, digest and heal. Everyone's talking about this right now. But when we get on the roller, we're addressing the fascial system, which is helping our body go into healing mode. So rolling, rebounding breathwork going in an infrared sauna is phenomenal for your fascia, going and doing earthing getting natural sunlight in the morning is one of my big rituals. It's like it's my one minute morning ritual, get my coffee, walk out on the grass stand on the grass barefoot or some kind of dirt barefoot, let the natural light come into my eyes and just fill me up with you know, my my, my body with light and actually thinking of the fascia, the you know, the the webbing the collagen network, and then the water that's wrapped around it. So the sun is coming in to kind of turn on the electricity in the fascia. So recharging your body battery, and then the earth energy is doing the same. So those are phenomenal. And then just getting up and doing some really, they're called like, whole body stretches. So moving your body in different directions of like multi plane work. So twisting, inverting, walking, any kind of deep. I don't necessarily think of yoga as fascia opening, of course it is addressing it. But we have a different way to do it, where it's more like you're thinking of stretching all the way from your foot to the back of your head. Because there's 12 planes of fascia. It turns out that those planes of fascia, so I'll give you an example of one, the backplane goes from the bottom of your feet up through the back of your legs up through your back and that to the top of your head. So that's the back line. It turns out that these fascial planes relate and correlate to the 12 acupuncture meridians. So we're addressing our meridians and our chi, when we're doing stuff with the fascia. So thinking of the body, not as spot treating it, but thinking of it more holistically and systematically. So if I do anything to my feet, I know I'm addressing my head and neck and jaw, and vice versa. So those kinds of things are very powerful ways. It's like looking at it with x ray vision. And, you know, working your body in the different planes of movement, getting yourself upside down doing inversions, any kind of twisting, even if it's just going for a walk and channeling your inner Giselle with more transverse motion breathwork, self bodywork rolling, all of those things are phenomenal ways. Everything is in the Align life studio where I put all of everything that I've learned, I just experiment things that have actually worked for me and my friends in my community and my clients. I put in the in the line life studio, like for instance using that squishy ball. And like I haven't, it's back there in the frame. But it's a squishy ball and you use it to roll your belly out and you roll your organs out and that is addressing the vagus nerve, it's flushing the lymph in the belly in the gut, then you have more access to your core when you're doing like stuff to actually strengthen. So my whole perspective of like fitness has evolved because what I now know is that it's not about doing a million reps or Are you spending an entire hour in the gym or in the studio? It's actually about how do you use your body throughout your day. It's like how we use our body throughout our day is how our body will be shaped. So if we're hunched over the whole time, and we never kind of undo that, then we're going to be shaped like that. You see people walking down the street looking like that. That's the fascia gluing itself, becoming thick, dehydrated and brittle. So it's fine. If we need to hunch and be on our computers and tax and all of that. That's cool. It's like that's not going away. But we need to undo it on the daily and bring that juice back in and that hydration and that suppleness. So just like even turning on some music and doing some somatic dance or jumping around on the grass, or the sand or the beach, getting fresh air, all of these things are addressing the fascia, and

Amy: 20:49

how I see them many rebounder behind you. So that's a good way to loosen things up. So absolutely.

Unknown: 20:58

Movement medicine.

Amy: 21:00

Yes. You know, it's funny that you're saying this, I just My older son, who's 15 has been having back pain for like, like, all year, he wrestles, and we went to like an orthopedic guy. And he was like, Yeah, you need some physical therapy to stretch out and stretch out those areas. And he did it. But then he wasn't doing it at home. Of course, like he's, you know, teenagers not like doing his stretches. But we just went back last week, because his back still hurts. Did an x ray, everything's fine, thank God, but he's like, your hamstrings are so tight. You need to do these stretches. And I'm sure the stretches address the fascia and everything else. But he's like, you have to do these stretches like twice a day to loosen up your hamstrings, which is why your back is sore up. So it was like my husband and for him to hear that from some I've been telling him that but it was good for him to hear that from somebody else. Yeah. But you know, it's all it's all connected. Do you

Unknown: 21:57

really is

Katie Chandler: 22:00

why I was just gonna ask why is it so painful when I get on the foam roller? And I do my legs? Like, is it something that if the more I do it, the easier it gets?

Unknown: 22:11

Yes. So it usually has to do with the firmness of the roller as well. I prefer a more softer like it's a medium density roller because you can use it just to work out and do the Pilates moves and use it for rolling. But what we're now finding is a lot more of the research in Germany and through the really through the anatomy world is that we shouldn't be doing aggressive hard rolling because it's especially because what we're doing when we're rolling is addressing the superficial fascia. So we want to make sure that we're not digging into the bone but we're actually trying to get into that matrix that lays underneath the skin and above the muscle. So great question. The more you do it the less it hurts 100% So start and just go really slow. Use your breath you can also warm up sometimes I recommend warming up with like dry brushing to get the limp going before you do your rolling and then finishing with a five or 10 minute bounce on the rebounder to really flush so your dry rushing gets the limbs going the rolling gets the fascial matrix clearing kind of like flushing the congestion or the the scar tissue or the what it was like calling it the other day that Grizzle the gristle in the tissue and then you're bouncing which will help your body again flush everything out like really get that lymph going and then your body will flush whatever has been broken down from the toxins in the tissues as well because a lot of times we don't realize it but within that scar tissue is is a pool of congestion or toxic buildup. So when we when we flush that through then your body has to eliminate it so you want to support it through that and I recommend also doing the sauna too as part of that sequence of people are going to it sounds like a lot and if you can't if you don't have a sauna although the higher dose sauna blankets are pretty amazing now and making it more accessible for people and more affordable. My like protocol with our community is dry brush Foam Roll Bounce and then finish with a sweat and it sounds like a lot you only need to do each of them for like five or 10 minutes and then you've got this amazing holistic healing protocol.

Amy: 24:18

I love to do that.

Katie Chandler: 24:20

You do it every day.

Unknown: 24:22

I do I really do. And I'm a big fan of 8020 rule like be and I'm all about like detox to retox like I'm really about balance I don't I don't like to over drink or anything but I do like have a glass of wine in the evening and have my coffee in the morning and then I do that and I feel so clear. And so vibrant. And so kind of like it takes this film away like it fully is the the clutter of the mind and it flushes the clutter of the body. It's like an inner exfoliation if you want to think about it like that. Like we always exfoliate our face and we floss our teeth. Doing that to ourselves. In our tissues from the inside out, that's what our bodies need more than ever speaking of the immune system, that's another system that's addressed. Whenever we work with our fascia, we're boosting our immunity, because we're getting the white blood cells pumping through our body better so phenomenal for preventing getting sick. I need

Katie Chandler: 25:18

to get some of your tools because I have like the foam roller from hell and I, I've just started dry brushing daily, I'm, yeah, it's too firm, I need to get some of as Lauren for the listener, she she has an entire array of her of her own tools that she sells. And I also saw that you're you are rolling out your fascia with a small ball as well, not just the large foam rollers. So there's a variety of tools that people can use, right.

Unknown: 25:47

Yeah, and the reason I did that I originally came out with my first book taller, slimmer, younger, which was about the big 36 inch roller because it was the one I was using with all my pro athletes and my celebrities. And then I you know, I was doing the bodywork with them and the workouts and I realized like there's this the deeper layers of the fascia as well. So the the bigger roller is good for the superficial fascia. The deeper I mean, the smaller tools are better for the deeper fascia. Like I was saying earlier, you can get into the belly and really flush the gut out lymphatic Lee but also from a tissue perspective. And then the Infinity roller, which is like two little nodules, kind of like two tennis balls and a sock, which is what you know, if you've ever been to physical therapy, you know that they use that for like your shoulder blades or your feet. So I just thought you know what I was over the whole thing slipping away. So I created a tool, it's a little bit softer than tennis balls. And then you use that for your feet. For a lot of places where the muscles attach to the joints that you can't get to with the bigger the bigger roller. So that's why I have multiple tools based on the two books that I wrote. And one was about superficial and the other one was about going a little bit deeper.

Amy: 26:54

Yeah, I was gonna say I am I have those balls that I would like if my back gets tight on like put it in a sock and like rub it against the wall. But yeah, it goes all over the place. You can't like exactly get it but it's very hard. Yeah, speaking to your point about like, is something like that those athletic ones too hard.

Unknown: 27:12

You know, this isn't what you're seeing question and I'm happy you brought it up. Because I with all the new research, it's quite important to be saying out loud right now that the aggression with the fascia is not where we're going. We do not like shoving and you know, I won't use the word but like we we want to give the fascia love, we want to think of it like sending your body like these love notes, through working with the fascia and tuning in and listening aggression with fascia will just build up more scar tissue in the long run and will also make your nervous system go into fight or flight, which is the exact opposite of what we're trying to do. Which is why I think my method or philosophy is so much more of a feminine energy thing. That doesn't mean it's just for women, it means it's just more nurturing, more loving, more supportive. Those harder balls in the new science is saying no, we do not want to be doing that we want to go slow, we want to breathe, we want to feel like almost like a memory foam is kind of cradling the tissue and then wringing it out, you know, you see a lot of them attic stuff, it's quite light. So you know we're working with the limp, but then we're going to deeper layer as well with the fascia so softer and more present, really feeling into it and listening and figuring out where the blockages are. So it's not about getting on a roller or doing body rolling. fascial work is not about like rushing through anything. It's about really tuning in words and feeling again, it's really

Amy: 28:45

and then on your website do you have sort of like you're saying this like sessions on if I wanted to do a 10 minute whatever in the morning to like, loosen out just the whole body like you have things like that

Unknown: 28:58

got like the rise and shine on the roller. We've got all kinds of like seven minute fascia flows now because we're finding those that New York Times article based on a lot of great research that people were getting insane benefits from working out for like seven minutes a day. I know I remember something about Mary when they were like seven minute ABS or seconds. I'm like that reminded right. I love that movie. I love her. But anyway, so it's just one of those things where we realize like, also people only have so much time. So my thing is now not overwhelm people with like an hour of content at one time. Put it in the morning, if you can do one seven minute thing in the morning, and then do like a five minute thing before bed you will sleep better and deeper or you'll go into rest and digest and heal more efficiently. You know, you can tap into that vagus nerve and those kinds of things. So, spending and also thinking of your body throughout the day listening to the sensations and remember you take 26,000 breaths a day, you know, I mean, it's like every breath you take is an opportunity Unity to create shift or release or metabolize stress better as well. And every step we take, we take 10,000 steps a day without even going for like a long walk, every step we take is an opportunity to kind of move and strengthen your body I think people forget also that just sitting burns calories, you know, moving throughout your day, your your body is working really hard, you don't have to go and like burn 600 calories on the treadmill. That's an old belief system that actually doesn't make sense. So how can we make our bodies more efficient? How can we support all of our systems, metabolism, digestion, you know, endocrine system, the hormones, why not this fascia is touching all of those systems. So use it for enhancing every part of you.

Katie Chandler: 30:50

It's really revolutionising a way of self care. I feel like because you're saying that, for so many years, it's been all about like, work harder, you know, push through, you have to sweat, you have to do these massive workouts to get the type of body that you want. And what you're saying is, if you slow everything down, and you do it in a nurturing way, and you're taking care of your body, and you're releasing the stress that we all put on ourselves, that things will start to, hopefully, potentially work in which they should, right and heal themselves, which will give us results.

Unknown: 31:26

That's it. Yeah, you're rebooting, you're resetting. Everyone has the same muscle musculature underneath all of the layers of stress and armor and fear and unworthiness. We all have it under there. So a lot of times we put excess weight on as padding to protect us from the outside world, whether that's from trauma, toxins, tension, fears, whatever it is. So if we can realize that all of those messages are there to help us learn and grow and evolve the weight, whether it's physical or emotional weight, will, it will actually melt away and I know it sounds like magic. But when you work with the fascial, you people realize it's not the fat, it's the fascia. I mean, it's the weakened connective tissue, and it's the congestion that happens that builds up the kind of areas that we end up holding extra weight, or even thickness or density in that armor. It's really powerful. It is a whole different. It's a new paradigm, new paradigm shift.

Katie Chandler: 32:27

It sounds like it. It's very exciting. Now I would be remissed. And I think some of my, some of our listeners wouldn't be too pleased if we didn't ask about cellulite. Because I know we have all you know, we've anytime I've heard of fascia, I've thought that it had to do with rolling that out. So I don't know if that is true or not or what's up with that?

Unknown: 32:48

You know what, I love this question too. And there's quite a bit of information out in the world now about fascia and fascia blasting for cellulite. And thing is every woman is going to have some sort of cellulite and maybe there's like 2% of the world of women that don't naturally and that's probably has to do with hormones or genetics. So we all are going to have a version of it. But what it is, is it's essentially weakened connective tissue so that means that the collagen has broken down the elastin has broken down. So the best things we can do to regenerate our connective tissue and you know, reduce cellulite are getting the lymphatic system going so flushing the toxins through but also strengthening the actual webbing of the tissue. So creating more of that collagen and that's why I created a whole thing called fascia foods. We have recipes on this. There's specific things like color, I mean, like a bone broth and vitamin C, all kinds of you know, you need zinc and copper, vitamin C like certain minerals, magnesium that will help regenerate and strengthen the collagen. So also supplementing with collagen. If you have the right collagen can help as well. But drybrushing the same sequence that I recommended as well you know, the sweating and getting that moving, but also you can do something called body wash WA, which is a little bit different than the way I see fascia blasting, which I know I mean the Kardashians got fascia blasting on the map, which is good because that puts fascia in the mainstream media which I'm happy about. But I feel like again, it's more about using a tool to be more soothing and smoothing and loving rather than blasting. So I recommend using a body guasha tool, there's one that I'm actually coming out with it's like a mushroom I call it combing out the tangles of your tissues. So after the shower with the body oil I created this called the body elixir and so you put the oil on after you're hot and then you scrub yourself or you you know you basically comb out the tangles of your tissues. That is phenomenal for even crepey skin it can really help reduce crepey skin like that we start to see in the arms as we get older, around the hips. In inner thighs in the stomach, especially after having babies and your your tissue has, you know, expanded so much, or C sections where you have scar tissue. All of those things are really helpful in helping regenerate the collagen. So whenever we're working with the fascia, I think it's just really important to think of like, don't go against it, but go with it. And it's similar to dry brushing, you want to go in the direction of your heart, you may have certain areas where you take that body wash while and you scrub a little bit, but then you're always flushing it toward the heart to flush you know the toxins out and regenerate the tissue. But the other really important piece for cellulite is obviously hydration, and building musculature and tone. And that's where my method is a little different than other foam rolling methods out there. Because we do a lot of this opening and creating the space and the hydration. But we're also building strength from my Pilates background. So we're building that sustainable, elongated balance strength. That's what gives you that beautiful, graceful physique that everybody loves.

Katie Chandler: 36:05

I love Pilates. Oh

Amy: 36:06

is the guasha and the dry brush. Do they serve similar purposes or is the dry brush more like external and the guasha gets a little bit deeper.

Unknown: 36:13

You got it. You nailed it. Yeah, so the and the dry brush you want to do when you're dry before you shower. And then you write a warm and you can do some stretches in the shower and open things up. And then you slather yourself with this amazing oil that's super clean and has an olive oil base has Arnica in it and hemp seed oil, all of these in beautiful scent. And then you kind of can do affirmations while you do the body wash wha so you're really making it a ritual, it only takes like maybe two or three minutes. I mean, like all we're all so busy, like but if I can find like two or three minutes throughout the day, these little pockets or Windows, then at the end of the day, I've done an hour because I've done like two minutes here and five minutes there and a little bit of breath work and maybe a little sweat, you know, then I've actually done accumulation of an hour, but it didn't feel like it. And I've enjoyed every moment of it too.

Amy: 37:02

Yeah. And do you think? Is it better to do the foam roll part in the morning or at night? Or does it not matter?

Unknown: 37:08

I mean, I prefer if you have to choose doing it in the morning, because when you get on the roller, you're turning on something called proprioception. And that's awakening your body's relationship to the environment to gravity to balance all of those things. So if you have that on for the rest of your day, you're gonna also be able to be strengthening your muscles just throughout your day in a better way. So people not a lot, when should I roll before I work out? Or should I do it after you always want to roll it out before you work it out? Because you're you're bringing in the hydration, the blood circulation, the awareness, the proprioception, so all of those things are very helpful, not just in your workout, but in your life. So when you're waking up things and rolling out, you can do it before you go for a hike or a run, you will have more flexibility, more range of motion where you'll prevent injuries. So beautiful way to start the day. Yeah,

Amy: 38:05

yeah, I used to, I had a trainer for a few years. And we always foam roll in the beginning for like 510 minutes. And it made a huge difference. And she introduced me to those ball things. And she had this other thing it was sort of like, I don't know, it was like the same material as the small balls would have like a stick with two kind of wheels at the end. And I would do my feet on that I'd never done anything like that before it was crazy. Because my body would like shift, she'd be like, Oh, you're right, shoulders higher. And then I would she would like to help me do it on my feet. And then I all of a sudden would be like my heart felt flat or to the ground. It was amazing. So that's

Unknown: 38:41

what you're what you're feeling is that that's the sensory organs. So whenever people do one side of the body, and then you get them to walk up, walk around and feel the difference, like whoa, I feel lighter, you're actually you are feeling lighter, because you're you've actually like literally like scrubbed away whatever was in the way so you you do your legs feel lighter. Like let's say you're gonna go do pilates and you're like, Oh, my hamstrings are really tight. I'm gonna try to do my, you know, inverted core work or whatever stomach series and Pilates. If your tissues really tight like you were saying your son, his tissue is really tight, his legs will actually feel heavier. So by freeing up density and releasing the tension in the tissue, but also in the joints, and really lubricating yourself and feeling that sense of lightness, you'll be able to hold your legs up more efficiently. You won't have to use your lower back or your hip flexors, you'll actually be using your core. So it makes your body way more functionally, like biomechanically more efficient as well. That's why the athletes love it.

Amy: 39:41

Yeah, it makes sense. I was in a really good cadence with it and I got I got away from it and every time I feel more, I always feel better. So I gotta you remind me I gotta get back into it every time I workout because it really does make a huge difference. I know I need

Unknown: 39:52

to add it into my routine, more benefits from whatever you're going to do next, but used for you know,

Katie Chandler: 39:59

that It's motivational. Yeah, that's very motivating. Well, before we get into our rap session with you, I would love to hear, let's hear about your community and the aligned life studios and everything that you have created where our listeners can find you most importantly,

Unknown: 40:14

yeah, so for the last few years, I guess it was in 2021, it really took off when everyone had to stay home, you know, for COVID, we had already ramped up and started the membership program. And so my commitment to the community is to basically go and it's like, I'm possessed by learning about fascia and, and body alignment and building graceful strength. And so I it's my mission, I and it's so fun, I get to serve with joy and love, it's so great. So I go out, and I learn and I study and I research and I bring it into the studio, and we film, you know, multiple times a year, depending on how inspired I'm feeling. And then I put everything that I love. And that really works into the aligned life studio membership community. And every month we give the community a new drop, we call it with new flows and sequences. And so we have, we actually have bar in there, now we have yoga, these are all, you know, with the through line of fascia, all the people that we brought in, have the education background and have the fashion world in there as well. And then we also have fashion foods, the meal plans and meal guides. It's a whole web app, which we'll be ramping up a lot more, because people always like, Well, okay, I'll do the fashion flows workouts, but how do I eat to support that. So we have all the different tools that you see behind me here, the rollers, and the rebounder, and the fascial flows just on the mat, too. And so I continue to keep putting stuff in there. And then we also have our free community called the aligned life collective. And that's where I go in and I do webinars, so that I like to say that that's where I go and educate and inspire. It's kind of like our Facebook, but off of actual, it's not on Facebook, it's like you know, people at Facebook groups, we've actually decided to get away from Facebook, because of all the drama, we wanted to do something where it's more focused, you're not getting ads sent to you. So it's very specific, anyone can join there, it's just called the Lyne life collective.com. And then the Align life studio is sort of my Netflix of wellness, it's where we put all of these great flows and sequences, and we're continuing to evolve and expand it, and I'm coming out with my certification next year as well, which is very exciting, it's I think

Amy: 42:27

we're gonna is exciting grit.

Unknown: 42:29

And it's going to be a very basic certification so that people don't necessarily need to teach it. But if they want to learn and go deeper and really embody this work, at a deeper level, they'll learn about the emotional components and the physical components. And it's really, it's going to be very exciting. So I'm excited for that.

Amy: 42:49

That's great. And we can't forget about your Instagram, because I'm always looking at your Instagram, it's so inspiring and relaxing. And I like see some of the exercises you do. So that's also a good resource for people to check out.

Unknown: 43:03

I love I've actually using going that one. I know in the beginning, I was like, oh, Instagram, it feels so intimidating. And now I'm actually loving it. So it's fun. It's a fun process.

Katie Chandler: 43:12

That's nice, congratulations, or it's all very

Amy: 43:15

bite size pieces of fascia work we can all get during the day. Well, that's awesome. Um, we're definitely going to be checking that out. And I love that there's a whole like, it sounds like library of content. So you can do the fascial work, but then you can do flows that are aligned to that. So you feel like it's all kind of Yeah, connected, which is nice.

Unknown: 43:34

And you can pick things like if you need lower back love, or you know, you're having issues with your feet, or you want to connect to your deeper core or your bloating or you're feeling like your gut is off or whatever. There's so many different ways to target different areas of the body, but then you can do total body ones as well. So I want to share with your community also that we're going to give you guys a code so that you guys can join a go and get 30% off so we'll be sharing that

Katie Chandler: 44:00

soon. That's amazing. It's so generous. Thank you.

Amy: 44:02

Oh god, that's so exciting. Yes, yeah, I think our listeners will love that and report back on all the things they're learning Yeah, about fashion as well if they feel Yes, all of us will be. Okay, so let's get into our rap session. So what is your favorite wellness or beauty hack besides fascia work?

Unknown: 44:22

Oh, I have been loving the using red light therapy for the face. So those led masks and there's a little one that I've been using as well called the solar wave and I love it in the morning after you know you sleep on your face and you're all squished and you have those sleep lines. And you take that red light and you can kind of do fascial work with it but also the red light the red light stimulates the collagen and it just it feels so good and it kind of wakes you up for the day. And I also think it really helps with the beauty aspect to

Amy: 44:53

it for the Naskh Do you have a good recommendation? I've been looking at those and there's so many of them.

Unknown: 44:58

I did a ton of free Search and I found the Dr. Grossman one. Yeah, three minutes. So you and it has there. Wow. And then the red and the blue light that you can combine together. So the red lights College and the blue lights for like antibacterial or breakouts, it's great for the teenagers that they're getting breakouts. But it's three minutes. So anyone can do this what was saying

Amy: 45:19

like and it's a mask, so you could walk and you could actually walk around you could film or all while you're wearing your mask.

Unknown: 45:25

Laundry, do your tax scrape.

Katie Chandler: 45:28

Alright, that next one, we call it our five minute flow. You just got out of the shower and dry it off. And Uber has pinged you they're five minutes away. What are you gonna do to pull together and get in that Uber on time your holy grails your go? twos?

Unknown: 45:41

Whoo. Okay. Definitely, I probably wouldn't have time to do my body wash while in five minutes. So probably be mostly focused on the face. So I would put my vitamin C serum on because I'm obsessed with the vitamin C first than I do high colonic acid next. And then I do face oil, which I use my body lyxor as my face oil and so concealer that has you know, Hyrule onic acid and some cheeks and lips and mascara and brow and then I'm out.

Amy: 46:13

Good routine. Yeah. streamlined. Okay, and how do you maintain your daily nirvana?

Unknown: 46:19

Hmm, I think all the things I've shared with you guys just Well, I think the big one is also perspective. So really shifting perspective on everything that's happening instead of to us, for us. So it's there to go through it, to learn from it to realize that even if it's collectively or you know, personally, or in our family, there's always a reason and sort of embracing that. And, and then I think getting better at metabolizing. The stress that comes, you know, comes from that experience too. So working with their fascia is the way personally for me and because I'm a kinesthetic learner and a feeler. That's how I move through things and let them go. So with compound with love,

Katie Chandler: 47:07

that's really beautifully said, I, we always wrap with a like a mantra or an affirmation. And there's one that I saw all over your Instagram page and on your site that and I'm gonna butcher it. So I'm hoping you, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Unknown: 47:23

It's not just about feeling better. It's about getting better at feeling. Feeling better. It's about getting better at feeling. Yes. So that one is on a couple of times. You're right. So it's really about not only Yeah, not only trying to just feel your best all the time, but just feel all of it, feel the pain, feel the discomfort because those are messages to create a shift or a change and listening and tuning in. And the other affirmation though is every little cell in my body is well, I use that one with my kids a lot to want anything like that.

Katie Chandler: 48:01

That's fantastic. All right. Well, thank you so much. For your work. Yeah, I'm

Unknown: 48:07

always doing like the era polls with them or like, the cranial stuff or the feet stuff. They love it. It's cute. That's great.

Katie Chandler: 48:15

That's $1 how to do it.

Amy: 48:16

Well, thank you so much for joining us today. This is such an invigorating conversation. I'm getting very motivated to get back into into the routine. So saying, This was awesome. Thank you so much.

Unknown: 48:27

Oh, it's my absolute pleasure. Thank you guys for having me. And I look forward to doing more in the future.

Amy: 48:35

Happy Holidays Nirvana sister's family. So I hope you enjoyed that episode with Lauren all about the fascia and you can incorporate some new routines as we mentioned, we have an exciting giveaway with Lauren we are going to be giving away three annual memberships to the Align life studio, as well as the travel roller all you need to do is follow Lauren Roxboro on Instagram, follow Nirvana sisters at Instagram and comment on our last post. You can tell us what you liked about the episode you could put an emoji anything really but that will enter you into our giveaway. We are so excited for you to enjoy the lion life happy holidays. Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters. We'll continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.


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