Episode 126 - Laugh Lines and Lip Liner: Beauty Banter with TikTok Star and Makeup Artist, Erica Taylor - Part 1 (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 126.

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[00:07] Amy Sherman: Welcome to Nirvana Sisters podcast, where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state, your Nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman.

[00:18] Katie Chandler: And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation.

[00:28] Amy Sherman: Welcome back to the show nirvana Sisters Family. It's Amy and Katie, and we are so excited about today's episode. You will hear who we are talking with very shortly, but if you want a no BS makeup recommendations tricks the real deal for mature women or mature women, as our guest says, with a side of comedy, relief and entertainment, erica Taylor is your girl. We have mentioned you, Erica, so many times on our show, I can't even tell you. Like, you've been on our blog. We've talked about you. We've recommended a million things that you've recommended that we've tried. So let me give everybody a background on Erica before we do our chitchat. Erica Taylor has been in the cosmetic industry for over 25 years, working with top brands mac, Laura, Mercier Benefit Cosmetics, and Trish McEvoy. She is a professional makeup artist and a mom of three living in New York. Erica majored in art education in college, initially aspiring to be an art teacher, but instead decided to search for a career that would allow her to be more creative. She was always the unofficial makeup artist to her friends and family, and an interview at the Matte Counter at Macy's became the official start of her professional career in makeup. In 2021, she started sharing her makeup tick sorry, wrong word. She started sharing her makeup tips and techniques for any age on her social media and has quickly become a trusted expert to her more than 1.4 million engaged followers. If you don't follow her on TikTok, you need to be following her. She is the best. In 2023, she was named L'Oreal Paris League of Experts and continues to be a major authoritative figure in the beauty and Skincare me. Welcome to the show, Erica. We are so happy to have you been I've been stalking her. Just so everybody knows. I've like, DM'd her. I went on her TikTok live. I'm like, you got to come on the pod. You got to come on the pod. We want to talk to you and pick your brains. So welcome to the show, Erica. Thank you so much for joining us today.

[02:20] Erica Taylor: I'm so excited to be here and thank you so much for all the support.

[02:23] Amy Sherman: Yes, of course. So we always kick off the show, take a step back, and we do our Nirvana of the Week, which is just something that brought us joy, big or small, something that put a smile on our face and made us feel good. So I'm going to kick it off to you, Katie. What is your Nirvana this week?

[02:36] Katie Chandler: I think my Nirvana this week is being here. Amy and I are recording together live we are not on two separate screens. I'm not in Connecticut. We are together. So I'm home from Rosh Hashanah. And aside from right now, this moment getting in last night and know my in laws, my mother and father in law, my nephews Amy and her husband Stu, and all of us just sitting around the table having dinner, that was mine.

[03:01] Erica Taylor: What about you?

[03:03] Amy Sherman: So mine. I had a really cute moment with my older son. So I have two boys, Erica. One's an 11th grader in high school and I have another son who's in 8th grade. And my 11th grader has been really into cooking lately, which is unusual because he never really cooked before. But all of a sudden he has been seeing these recipes on TikTok and he wanted to make some. So we got all these ingredients and we cooked together twice last weekend. And one was like some buffalo chicken, blah blah blah recipe he wanted to make. Another one is the calzones. And we made like handmade dough and homemade dough and all of that, so it was so fun. So I was his sous chef and he was like the main chef, but it was so fun just bonding and collaborating and chatting and just having kind of tactile hands on activities. So it was a really fun bonding moment. I don't get a lot of time with him, so that was good. What about you, Erica?

[03:47] Erica Taylor: That's awesome. I had a nice moment this morning when we missed the bus with the kids and I had a neighbor's kid with me too, and took them for some fun breakfast. Got a lot of laughs on the way to sometimes, you know, just starting your day, like, just I was like, all right, I'm in my pajamas, like, I guess. Breakfast time. Let's go.

[04:06] Amy Sherman: I love it.

[04:07] Katie Chandler: That's great. You took a negative. Oh, ****, we missed the bus until let's go have some fun. I love that. That's a fun mom right there. I don't know a lot of moms that would do that. That's great.

[04:17] Amy Sherman: Yeah. Cool mom.

[04:17] Erica Taylor: I wasn't always like that. I used to be like a super psycho in the mornings and when I had to get to work and run meetings and I decided a couple of years ago that I wanted to make them laugh and go to school happy every morning. So I put everything aside and I said, nobody can reach out to me until my kids are on the bus.

[04:36] Amy Sherman: Smart.

[04:37] Katie Chandler: I love that. That's great.

[04:39] Amy Sherman: That's good. That was the opposite of me this morning, trying to get my kids to school. I was, like, telling Katie, I just woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. And I was like, so mean this morning. And normally I'm, like, try to be positive in the morning, but I was.

[04:51] Erica Taylor: Just like, feel so bad.

[04:52] Katie Chandler: All know? Yes, I know it's true. Sending them off when you're so i.

[04:57] Amy Sherman: Like, hadn't had my coffee. I was a little cranky. But hopefully it happens. It happens.

[05:01] Erica Taylor: It happens to me, too.

[05:02] Amy Sherman: It happens. It happens. Okay, so, Erica, tell us about you. Give us your know, we just know you from watching all of your hilarious and educational videos on TikTok, but tell us how it all started. I mean, obviously you've been in the business a really long time, but give us your story for everyone who doesn't know you.

[05:20] Erica Taylor: Well, I was in school, like you said. You gave me a great, true story. I was in school to be an art teacher, and I was like, that 90s, kind of, like, really goth looking kid, so nobody would hire me. It's probably circa, like, 97, right? So I was looking for a job, and I couldn't find one. And someone said to me, you do such beautiful makeup. Why don't you just work in cosmetics? I said okay. I marched to Macy's. So actually, I did end up at Mac relatively quickly, but my first was prescriptive color matching.

[05:51] Katie Chandler: Okay.

[05:52] Erica Taylor: And then I spent a little time in Elizabeth Arden. I never want to smell Fifth Avenue or Red Door again. So relatively quickly, I got recruited to the Mac store in Roosevelt Field in Long Island, and that was, like, the place to be around 1920 years old. That this was super exciting. I wasn't as good as the rest of them, but I just worked really hard. I did every late shift, every schedule. They asked me to stay, and then they kept me on full time. And I, six months later, applied to be a senior trainer for Mac. I was not even close to ready. I tanked the interview. Embarrassing, crazy, making up the answers, all sorts of crazy. But then I learned what everything I did wrong. And a few months after that, I tried out for a low level trainer, like a store trainer. I got it, and I could have folded and been embarrassed. And I think what has always pushed me in this industry is I'm not afraid of embarrassing myself. I take it as a challenge. I don't just tuck my tail in and shut down. And that has been every other place I went to. I was once recruited to different companies. I met great people. I've worked with so many great people. I got to do, like, runway, fashion shows, all of this. This was not my passion. First of all, I'm five foot one. I was tired of seeing all these false emails. Why does it look like this on me? But I love training in store teams, building teams, and I'm very social, so I really liked I work harder for someone else than I do for myself, which is my biggest challenge now.

[07:41] Amy Sherman: Yeah, I get it.

[07:42] Erica Taylor: And so I was just to say, I'm institutionalized. So then what I did for a lot of companies is I would train the makeup artists and build their sales teams.

[07:51] Amy Sherman: Yeah. I mean, it makes sense that you're saying you like the training part because you wanted to be a teacher.

[07:55] Erica Taylor: Right?

[07:56] Amy Sherman: So it's like, the same, like, educating, which is what you're doing now on TikTok. So when did you you only started TikTok, what, a few years ago? Because I remember watching you when you were still working full time and doing TikTok, and I remember the transition. So tell us about that a little.

[08:10] Erica Taylor: I during the pandemic, I learned a little more on social media, and I was always one of the trend shows. You know, when you go like, a Nordstrom trend show and there's someone presenting and to be master classes, and that was me. So I'm very comfortable in front of a crowd.

[08:22] Amy Sherman: Yeah.

[08:22] Erica Taylor: And again, because I don't mind embarrassing myself, if I trip, if I say something wrong, I just laugh at myself. I'm like, you got to own it. Yeah. So I started just doing lives. I was furloughed. We were all furloughed. There was no work.

[08:37] Amy Sherman: Yeah, same.

[08:38] Erica Taylor: So I started doing lives with the companies. And I'd rather say the freestanding, independent stores that still could function were doing curbside service. They were still selling, and we're having trouble keeping the doors open. So I'm not talking about, like, your Nordstrom's, your Bloomingdale's, these big doors. I'm talking about there's a great little store, beauty in Maine, in Massachusetts, and there's a great mirror mirror in Vermont. So I started doing lives with them for no other reason, just to help them keep their business going. Yeah, there was really nothing in it for me, but I loved doing it because it was social. So I was like everyone was like, you're really freaking funny. Like, you should be doing this more. So then I stopped for a while when I went back to work, and a friend of mine was having some success on TikTok, and I was like, I did a couple of videos, but they were just, like, super losers. She was like, what do you want to find? I said, I don't need to be major. I just want to find my tribe. Because she was like, I've never seen my age because I don't want to pinhole myself. And I was like, I want my girls. I want my over 40s crowd, my funny moms, drink some wine, have some laughs, put some makeup on. I want that tribe.

[10:00] Katie Chandler: Yeah, we found you.

[10:02] Erica Taylor: Yeah.

[10:02] Amy Sherman: Here we are. We're the exact same age. Erica yeah. And Katie's a little younger, but yeah, we always talk about that when you wake up and you're like, I drank too much of the wine last night, and I'm puffy. I was so and that's why we love you so much, and we know our audience will because you're so relatable, and it's not exactly like you're saying your age. You're saying you drink. It's like, this is how we all are.

[10:27] Erica Taylor: Like one of those pretend social media lives, right?

[10:29] Amy Sherman: Exactly.

[10:30] Erica Taylor: People are like, how do you organize your makeup? I'm like, It was a disaster. And I just think that so many people try to live up to these expectations of what they think this social media life is. And, like, I drink wine, I got to get my kids on the bus, I wake up banked up, but I still want to look good, too. Right?

[10:48] Amy Sherman: We have a good question for you later to figure out how you do that. And it's very similar with us in our show. We have this relatable point of view on well being. So it's like, we're mom, same as you. We try to break things down when we talk to different people because there's so many beauty wellness, makeup people out there that it just feels intimidating, and it feels like, well, I can't be like that, so I'm just not going to do anything. And it's like, no, here's some bite sized things you can do. Here's the concealer hack, the whatever. Well, that's an amazing story. And then what happened? You just kept making videos, and then it just built from there.

[11:26] Erica Taylor: My first viral, and I won't say names, but the company I worked for, it was kind of this underlying pressure of we have to do it our way, their way. But I don't live that way. And you can have me when I'm on the clock, but when I'm home, I'm home. I'm not fluffing my pillows. I'm not wearing beautiful white pajamas. I'm wearing a hoodie that I've worn for the last three nights. My hair looks nuts, and my bed is not made behind me. So I did this video. I just said, you know what effort. I don't ask for permission. I just beg for forgiveness.

[12:04] Amy Sherman: Right?

[12:04] Erica Taylor: So I just did an eyeliding video that I was, like, joking around, and I was like, Listen. I was like, Grab your eyeliner and a glass of wine and a great attitude. I was like, I'm just kidding. Forget about the great attitude. And I just taught some eyeliner. I go to sleep, and the next morning, it had, like, 500,000 views.

[12:22] Amy Sherman: Oh, my God.

[12:23] Erica Taylor: And my followers went from 3000 to 10,000 to 20,000. And I hate saying followers, to be honest, too. I think that's so creepy.

[12:32] Amy Sherman: Yeah.

[12:32] Erica Taylor: I always say, like, my community. Because you're not no, it's my follower. You could follow everyone, but I always say the people that want to learn, my community. And then I was like, People want to learn and they want to laugh, right?

[12:46] Katie Chandler: Yes.

[12:47] Erica Taylor: There was no one else doing it. And I was like, It doesn't have to be perfect. We're not winning a Cat Eye award. Try to look a little freaking normal, right?

[12:54] Amy Sherman: Try to be put together and feel like a human. Right?

[12:59] Erica Taylor: I think that's what people resonated with. Like, oh, I can do that. I can do yeah, yeah.

[13:04] Amy Sherman: And Erica has these great things where when you do like, half the face of something and half the face of the other, it's incredible.

[13:10] Katie Chandler: It's amazing.

[13:10] Amy Sherman: Like, just the little tweaks you can make that make such a huge difference. It's amazing.

[13:14] Katie Chandler: Yeah. You can really see it through TikTok, through the camera. The difference that you do from one side of the face to the other, it's amazing how well it shows. It's very cool. I mean, the tricks and the techniques, that's what we need to get into.

[13:28] Erica Taylor: Because yeah, well, if you think, sorry, I'm an interrupter.

[13:32] Amy Sherman: No, please, it's all good.

[13:34] Erica Taylor: Family interrupter. But I was in sales, so in sales, you have to train people. You have to make big impact quick. So I would learn the tips and tricks that made a major difference quickly, but were useful. And I would do it on a client and she'd be like, okay, give me that, give me this.

[13:57] Amy Sherman: Right?

[13:58] Erica Taylor: So that's the same thing. I think, on social media, you've got to show the impact quickly. I think I started a trend because everyone and their sisters, aunts, everyone is doing the same exact thing and I'm like, at least say, like, thank you, right?

[14:16] Katie Chandler: Give credit where credits do.

[14:18] Erica Taylor: I know, but you know what? It's hard. Don't get me wrong. Certain days I see people recreating my videos all over and I'm just like, but it's wasted energy, right?

[14:29] Amy Sherman: And they're not you, so it doesn't matter. And then how did you decide what was the tipping point on when you left your other job to do this full time?

[14:39] Erica Taylor: So I never thought this was even a career, right? When people used to say to me that they were bloggers, I was like, Get a job, right?

[14:47] Amy Sherman: You're like rolling your eyes like, okay.

[14:49] Erica Taylor: Or I used to have to do these influencer events where I would have to entertain the influencer. And I'm like, they don't even buy anything. Everybody comes in and drinks the booze, they bring their friends and family and they leave. I was like, I don't want to do it.

[14:59] Katie Chandler: Right?

[14:59] Erica Taylor: One I just kept growing my base and I could only show one brand. And in order I was getting all these brands reaching out to me and all these people saying, can you show something else? I can't afford that brand, or, I just want to see a clean beauty of this. A that. And there came a point where I could no longer juggle both. I either would stay as a regional manager for the rest of my life and retire there, still pacing hard floors of the malls and running chasing clients down like little **** of OG for Hug or I take a chance on myself.

[15:40] Katie Chandler: So I took a chance and it's paid off. 1.4 million. That's right. Is that what you said earlier?

[15:47] Amy Sherman: 1.4 million? But I mean, millions, I'm sure, and millions more videos. Because on TikTok, everyone. I mean, like, when I first saw you, it's not like I was following you at that point. I just saw your content. So, I mean, it's just such a great story. So thank you for sharing that piece of your story. Congratulations on all your success. So let's get into still very surreal.

[16:09] Erica Taylor: I'm sure it is mega impostor syndrome, because I've always been the makeup person at the event. I've never been the guest of the event.

[16:18] Amy Sherman: Right, and now I'm sure you're getting invited to all the things.

[16:21] Erica Taylor: Yes. And I still would rather hang out with people that work there. I'm still definitely institutionalized.

[16:27] Amy Sherman: Well, I remember you talking about you went to a rare beauty event or something, and it was all the young influencer people.

[16:35] Erica Taylor: I'm usually, like, at least 20 years older than the Red. We're not talking just, like, five to ten. It's like, I could be their mothers.

[16:43] Katie Chandler: I'm so curious what these events are. Like, what are these younger influencers doing at these events?

[16:51] Amy Sherman: Drinking the drinks.

[16:53] Erica Taylor: I mean, some that I met are lovely, and others are just walking around trying to be cooler than the next.

[16:58] Katie Chandler: Yeah, right.

[17:00] Erica Taylor: But it reminds me when I used to go to these cosmetics conferences and the trainer events for Mac and who was wearing what and walking around trying to be the coolest. So I don't sweat it because I get it. I probably was there 20 years ago too.

[17:14] Amy Sherman: Yeah, exactly.

[17:15] Erica Taylor: I do sometimes just walk around laughing, like, where am I?

[17:18] Amy Sherman: I know, I'm sure it's so surreal. Okay, so let's get into some of your favorites, because there's so many things and so many products you talk about, but for the basics.

[17:29] Katie Chandler: Right?

[17:31] Amy Sherman: Want to talk about some of your favorites? Okay, so let's go, as you would say, concealer.

[17:37] Erica Taylor: Okay, let's go. My number one is the Dior Backstage, hands down. But if you're into the clean beauty, the.

[17:46] Katie Chandler: I love the on. I do COSIS, because of you. Is the Dior Backstage as creamy and moisturizing as the kosis?

[17:56] Erica Taylor: It's not creamier.

[17:57] Katie Chandler: Okay.

[17:58] Erica Taylor: And I will say it has a better color range.

[18:02] Katie Chandler: Okay.

[18:03] Erica Taylor: But it doesn't have that skincare element.

[18:05] Amy Sherman: And COSIS has more the skincare element, more skincare.

[18:08] Erica Taylor: So that's why those are more my everyday. So going out, I have different I do something heavier, but, like, just for everyday life. Dior backstage coset.

[18:17] Katie Chandler: And to be clear, one of the biggest reasons why you like it, for mature skin, it does increase the creamy. It melts into your skin a little bit better. Right?

[18:28] Erica Taylor: Yeah. When I look for a concealer, I don't care what the hottest trend is, because that's irrelevant to me. And most of my clients or people that watch me don't care either. Right. So I feel on my hand textures. Okay, you go into a store and you put a concealer on your hand, and it gets dry on your hand. Forget it.

[18:46] Amy Sherman: Yeah.

[18:47] Erica Taylor: So they're creamy, they're hydrating, and they just have, like, a medium natural coverage. Not like a theatrical situation.

[18:55] Katie Chandler: Yeah, that's I think a thing is concealers that are too heavy sometimes. Like, for every day, they look worse. They look worse. Can get cakey.

[19:04] Erica Taylor: Yeah.

[19:04] Katie Chandler: All right.

[19:06] Erica Taylor: Not real life.

[19:07] Katie Chandler: It's not natural.

[19:09] Amy Sherman: Yeah. You did a video, and for our Nirvana Sisters family, check this out. It was so helpful the other day on concealer and how to actually apply it correctly so it doesn't crease regardless of what concealer you use. Where you put on. I think it was like the oil or something. I can't remember.

[19:25] Erica Taylor: I have to eye oil or an eyeball you have to do something hydrating. So there are concealers that will cleave less than others.

[19:33] Amy Sherman: Right.

[19:34] Erica Taylor: But if you're not prepped the right way, those are going to freeze, too.

[19:36] Amy Sherman: Exactly. So the eye oil is a freaking game changer for me. When I saw that video early on what's the brand?

[19:45] Erica Taylor: A little cora.

[19:47] Amy Sherman: Cora, right. I went out and got it probably before it got sold out, and I was like, this is the biggest, and I reviewed it. We do a show called Product Junkies. We review stuff. And that was one of the things I talked about and talked about you, because that is the biggest game changer to put on before mascara, but also later at night when you just want to fix your eyes up and they're dry. It's amazing.

[20:08] Katie Chandler: You mean before concealer? Putting it on before concealer?

[20:10] Amy Sherman: Yeah, or just like a reapplication. If you have, like, old concealer and you just kind of, like, throw that on and then throw more concealer on top, it's beautiful. It's a game changer. But anyway, yes, that's what you were talking about the other day, but so that was super helpful. The application, I take that with me.

[20:22] Erica Taylor: Everywhere because I look in the mirror somewhere and I'm like, oh, no, I take a little bit, I put it on, I'm like, boom.

[20:31] Katie Chandler: After you put it on, do you put more concealer on it, or you feel like it just kind of rehydrates the concealer that you already have on?

[20:37] Erica Taylor: It usually rehydrates what I have on.

[20:38] Katie Chandler: Okay.

[20:39] Erica Taylor: If you're like looking to reapply without taking your whole face off, you can use it that way as well. But usually what I do is I'll roll it on my hand so I don't disrupt the coverage, and then just pat over and it just releases the creases.

[20:52] Katie Chandler: Okay. Yeah, that's a great trick. That's a great one. All right, let's go.

[20:56] Amy Sherman: I have to ask Erica if she likes my favorite other. It's not even concealer. It's a color corrector. The Milani. Have you tried that?

[21:03] Erica Taylor: Yes. The mean for me, there's the peach and the rose.

[21:08] Amy Sherman: Yeah. So I use the peach every day. I'm like, that is almost I use that sometimes instead of concealer. I mean, it's like a color corrector. But it's kind of a skincare concealer, too.

[21:16] Erica Taylor: I think it's sheer and hydrating.

[21:17] Amy Sherman: Incredible.

[21:18] Erica Taylor: Agreed.

[21:19] Amy Sherman: Okay. I'm glad you like it, too. Okay.

[21:21] Katie Chandler: Mascara and a good drugstore find by.

[21:23] Amy Sherman: The good price point.

[21:26] Katie Chandler: Yeah.

[21:26] Amy Sherman: So cheap. Okay, mascara.

[21:28] Katie Chandler: What's your fave?

[21:29] Erica Taylor: The OG Telescopic.

[21:31] Amy Sherman: Okay.

[21:32] Katie Chandler: Telescope. Who's that by?

[21:34] Erica Taylor: L'Oreal.

[21:35] Amy Sherman: L'Oreal.

[21:36] Katie Chandler: Okay.

[21:36] Amy Sherman: This one, I think I have that another drugstore find. Oh, that's the one with the two sides, right?

[21:42] Erica Taylor: No, this is the original.

[21:43] Amy Sherman: The original.

[21:44] Erica Taylor: So you don't have to navigate which side you're using, because sometimes that's a lot, too.

[21:49] Katie Chandler: Yeah.

[21:50] Erica Taylor: So this one is tiny, so as we mature, our lashes get thinner. So you always think, bigger brush, bigger lash? No, because a bigger brush could not get to the root of the problem. So when you go under and wiggle at the base and lift, you're actually catching every little baby hair that a big brush can't.

[22:11] Amy Sherman: Right, that makes sense.

[22:13] Katie Chandler: And then wait, what color was that? That wasn't black mascara.

[22:16] Erica Taylor: Was that was that clear? It's almost like an off black.

[22:20] Katie Chandler: Okay. So is there any reason why you choose a specific color off black or no reason, right?

[22:27] Erica Taylor: No, just whichever one I find.

[22:28] Amy Sherman: Okay. All right. Yeah. I find that with mascara, I have to use two different ones because I have one like that. That's like a lengthening, which is great, but then I need volume. I like it more thick looking. And so I find that I have to use two. One for lengthening and one for fullness. That's just me, though, for the volume.

[22:47] Erica Taylor: Oh, yeah. No, I agree. I did that, too, when I want more. And then another one I really love is the Clinique a new one? Oh, I have very sensitive eyes, and I can't use a lot of mascaras. And I remember when I was younger, I wouldn't be like, my eyes are so sensitive. And I was always like, yes, sure. Okay, now that's me.

[23:09] Amy Sherman: So the clinique. Okay. What is it? Just clinique mascara.

[23:12] Erica Taylor: The new one. That's like this is a brown oh, yeah. By accident. But I dig it, and it just gives really nice volume and doesn't irritate my eyes. They also make an awesome tubing, one that I let my preteens wear because I know it won't run down their face when they're in school.

[23:31] Amy Sherman: What is the difference? I always hear tubing. I don't know the difference. Can you tell us what that means? Tubing.

[23:36] Erica Taylor: Absolutely. So I learned about the tubing mascara when I started working with Trish probably, I don't know, twelve, whatever, years ago. And Trish McEvoy was, like, the OG of the tubing mascara. It's a polymer that wraps the lash like a 360 tube. So instead of really sitting on it, it actually encapsulates the lash.

[23:58] Amy Sherman: Okay.

[23:59] Erica Taylor: Then you can build it up, but it doesn't run, it doesn't smudge. Even if you jump in cold water, it won't come off. But you remove it by holding it to warm water, and it washes off like little tubes. So it's like a waterproof, but better because it actually protects the lash.

[24:17] Amy Sherman: Oh, that's interesting. Does it have to do with the brush?

[24:21] Erica Taylor: Not so much the brush, but the polymer formula. It's a special polymer that wraps the lash.

[24:28] Amy Sherman: Okay. Because I always thought it was like the kind of brush, whether it's like kind of the brush you just showed us.

[24:35] Erica Taylor: Some of them have that, but it's not the brush, it's the formula.

[24:38] Katie Chandler: Will it say tubing mascara on it? I've never seen it. I've never heard of it. I don't know anything about it.

[24:43] Erica Taylor: And that's what it's been a big question that a lot of people don't even know about this. It's been around for years, but usually it will say tubing. But what you do is you just put in just look up tubing mascara, and a bunch will pop up.

[24:54] Amy Sherman: Yeah, you probably have some you don't even realize. I think I've had some and that have come off that way, that they just kind of come off whole. But yeah, I just never know. I always hear people say tubing and bristle, and I'm like, I don't know the difference. So, yeah, that's a good explanation.

[25:09] Erica Taylor: If you go to remove a tubing mascara with makeup remover, it'll get like, gummy.

[25:14] Amy Sherman: Okay. So you really just remove it with water. That'd be good for me because I hate removing mascara. So I did a whole episode on eyes and mascara and fake eyelashes because for a while I was wearing them because I can't stand taking off mascara and putting on mascara. So I had the extensions for a while, which I loved, and then I learned how to do them myself, and so whatever, but I've been taking a break for a while. But do you wear extensions at all, or do you just wear them when you go out and want to look.

[25:46] Erica Taylor: More when I go out, and that goes back to my eyes are so sensitive, right, that I don't even like the glues on my eyes.

[25:53] Amy Sherman: Yeah, I know.

[25:54] Erica Taylor: I've always really focused on the eyeliner rather than the mascara, so it's like.

[26:02] Katie Chandler: Yeah, your eyeliner, my eyes.

[26:04] Amy Sherman: Yeah, I know. I had been playing with that. And you're wearing eyeliner, aren't you? I always wear a little yeah, I just started doing that. But does it make your eyes look I feel like it makes my eyes look smaller, but maybe that's just me. Does it depend on the incorrectly?

[26:17] Erica Taylor: Absolutely.

[26:18] Amy Sherman: Oh, so I've been doing it. What's the trick for putting on eyeliner?

[26:22] Erica Taylor: So depends on the shape of the eye, and not everyone can cat. My eyes are still puffy from my mascara reaction, but if you see, I have kind of a flat surface, a little hooding here, so I kind of go through the hood, keeping it very fine on the actual lash and a little inner corner so you get elongate. If your liner is too thick across the whole way, it'll close your eye.

[26:46] Katie Chandler: Yeah.

[26:47] Erica Taylor: Or just doing outer corner, inner corner, mascara.

[26:51] Amy Sherman: And what about under the eye?

[26:54] Erica Taylor: I'm not really a big advocate, but it does work on some there's exceptions to every rule, but typically, when we start doing stuff under the eye, we start bringing attention under the eye.

[27:05] Katie Chandler: Right. Which is not where we want.

[27:07] Erica Taylor: No, we want I don't want attention on my waist.

[27:10] Katie Chandler: Yeah.

[27:10] Erica Taylor: Lift it up.

[27:11] Amy Sherman: Lift it up, baby.

[27:13] Katie Chandler: I used to use black eyeliner, and for whatever reason, I don't know, it just started to look too harsh on me. So I use, like, a darker brown eyeliner. And anytime I do under the eye, which I really never do, it just feels too heavy, like, too dramatic. Like I'm trying too hard.

[27:28] Amy Sherman: That's what I was meaning before. Where when I do it makes my eyes look small.

[27:31] Erica Taylor: When you do it under it especially, it will make the eyes look small.

[27:34] Amy Sherman: Yeah, that's what I found.

[27:35] Erica Taylor: Cages them in.

[27:36] Amy Sherman: Yeah, exactly. And then on the top yeah. If I do it right, it looks good, but I'm not always good at doing it.

[27:41] Katie Chandler: You should try brown.

[27:42] Amy Sherman: I'll try brown. Yeah, I do have a brown. I'll try that.

[27:44] Erica Taylor: They're more forgiving.

[27:45] Amy Sherman: Yeah. I feel like and then I've been seeing this because I feel like Michaela always says this on TikTok. What is this called? The tight line.

[27:54] Erica Taylor: Yeah.

[27:54] Amy Sherman: I've been playing around with that, which I like.

[27:57] Katie Chandler: When you're underneath your eyelash line on.

[27:59] Erica Taylor: The inside was the originator of that. Laura Mercier. I worked for Laura Mercier 20 years ago in Sachs, New York, and that's how I learned the tight line. So it was lining under for the invisible liner who's been around from actual makeup artists. It makes me laugh when people find these new makeup artists are finding all these new things.

[28:19] Katie Chandler: Right.

[28:20] Amy Sherman: You're like, that's been around for a million years. Right? I just learned about it. I was like, oh, let me try that tight lining. Okay. Lipstick.

[28:28] Erica Taylor: Favorite lipsticks? I would say probably the makeup by Mario. They're like lipstick meets balm meets gloss. I love these, but I am not lipstick loyal.

[28:40] Amy Sherman: Yeah.

[28:40] Katie Chandler: Okay.

[28:41] Erica Taylor: What about the color?

[28:42] Katie Chandler: What do you have on today? It's gorgeous. What's that?

[28:44] Erica Taylor: This is Huda longwear with so I take a beige, but what I do is I put a pinker gloss over it to give it life so I don't look abracadabra. And then I put the gloss a little on top so it catches the light.

[29:04] Amy Sherman: Yeah, it's beautiful.

[29:06] Erica Taylor: It's so nude that if it runs, nobody will see it.

[29:09] Amy Sherman: Right. So is that the huda one? Is that more of a I'm very progressive.

[29:13] Erica Taylor: Hold on. This is me. This is me.

[29:16] Amy Sherman: Every time I look at a product, I can't see anything.

[29:20] Erica Taylor: Wifey, huda.

[29:22] Katie Chandler: Wifey.

[29:22] Erica Taylor: Wifey longwear.

[29:24] Katie Chandler: Nice.

[29:24] Erica Taylor: And the lawless gloss. Okay. No, this color, whatever that is we'll find it.

[29:32] Amy Sherman: I like the Lawless concealer actually, too. That's a nice one.

[29:36] Erica Taylor: Speaking of Lawless, love that shade ballet because it has that perfect pink. Yeah, I like that, too.

[29:41] Amy Sherman: So is that huda beauty? Is that a gloss or just kind of like a more matted, long, wear matte lip. Okay. So it's kind of like the Kylie one. I just reviewed a Kylie Cosmetics nude that's matte. And then I'll put a gloss over it, and then it's kind of the same.

[29:55] Erica Taylor: Yeah, it looks, like, very dry. Unless you have, like, 19 year old lips or lip and or lips like.

[30:03] Amy Sherman: Katie, because she's got perfect lips.

[30:05] Erica Taylor: Yeah, some people have perfect lips, but typically it gets, like, frothy in the middle. Yeah, that happens to me.

[30:11] Amy Sherman: All that's not a good look.

[30:12] Katie Chandler: It is the worst thing. I'll come out from being with a client, and I look in the mirror, and I see this line on the inside. It's horrible.

[30:19] Amy Sherman: So you need to gloss up.

[30:21] Katie Chandler: It's so gross.

[30:22] Erica Taylor: Okay, looks like we got the rabies.

[30:26] Amy Sherman: Thanks for listening to Nirvana Sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes. Please subscribe and leave us a review. Also, find us on Instagram at Nirvana Sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would, please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana Sisters. We'll continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.


Episode 127 - Laugh Lines and Lip Liner: Beauty Banter with TikTok Star and Makeup Artist, Erica Taylor - Part 2 (Full Transcript)


Episode 125 - Exploring Strip Makeup’s Skin Cleansing Revolution With Co-Founders Riley Egan & Shaun O’Hollaren (Full Transcript)