Episode 1 - Product Junkies: January - Wake Up Your Winter Skin With These Glowing Faves (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode .

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Speaker A: Welcome to Nirvana Sisters podcast, where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state, your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman.

Speaker B: And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation.

Speaker A: You. Welcome back to Nirvana Sisters. Nirvana Sisters fam. Happy 2024. Back in the saddle with Katie. Hi. We haven't even caught up, so we'll do a full catch up offline. But how was it was good.

Speaker B: It was super chill. And I had my parents here, which was really nice. They haven't been here in a while. And it was good. It was just very relaxing. It was like, we did a lot of cooking and played a lot of games, hung out with the kids. We took the kids, the girls to the Rockets. Radio city, second row. We had epic seats. It was great.

Speaker A: Oh, my God.

Speaker B: What about you? You guys did an impromptu little trip?

Speaker A: We did, like, literally a last minute trip. We weren't doing anything. But the kids, who are still off from school, have the longest break this year for some reason. So I was, like, just looking for some last minute deals. So, yeah, we went last minute to Arizona, to a couple of different places, and it was amazing. It was just nice to be in good weather. And the best part, I put a reel up about it, but the best part was having meals together uninterrupted, relaxed, not rushing and just connecting with the kids because that's why I wanted to go away. Because when you're home, even if you're on break, you're not, like, connecting because everyone's kind of doing their own thing, but on vacation, you're all together all the time. So it's so nice. You never just get that quality time together.

Speaker B: It was great. I love it. It looked great.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: I had no idea you were there until.

Speaker A: I know. It was like, we planned it a couple weeks before the most, I think.

Speaker B: Which was actually good.

Speaker A: A little sponsor.

Speaker B: Let's dive in.

Speaker A: Okay. We're diving into a little product junkies. January. What we're loving right now, Katie. I'm kicking.

Speaker B: I am so psyched about this product. I have been eagerly awaiting this moment. I'm sure you've seen it on TikTok, the a three. One three. Have you seen that?

Speaker A: I have seen it. Is that a retinoin?

Speaker B: It's a retinoin. It's a vitamin a. And I saw it on TikTok. It's from the french pharmacy in Europe. You can go to the pharmacies and get the most amazing products right there at the pharmacy. You don't have to go to Sephora or something, so everything is so readily available. So there's this website called french pharmacy, and this is all over TikTok, at least in my feed. And I have had the hardest time finding the right kind of retinol. I've been trying all of these different retinols for years, and for a while it was making my skin so crazy, so I just completely stopped. And then I saw TikTok talking about how this is just a really gentle one. It's really nice. It's called a three one three vitamin a pomade. So it's kind of a consistency of aquaphor. I want to say it's a little bit like that, only it's a little moisturizing. So it's very soothing. And I'm tolerating it wonderfully. I'm able to do it three or four nights a week if I put my moisturizer on first. And I have been doing it for a month. And I have noticed a difference already without a shadow of a doubt. It's definitely helping. This is no filter, and I just have this crappy light here. But my pores are smaller, my skin is a little bit plumper, and it's definitely more hydrated, for sure. But I want to do a repeat review on this. I want to check back in.

Speaker A: Yeah, maybe how it's working because it's supposed to only get better.

Speaker B: I want to say I've been on it for, like, four to six weeks, so I'm going to review it again when I'm at maybe like three months and then maybe six months. Six months.

Speaker A: Okay. That's good to know. And so you put moisturizer on first, then you put that on, and then. Do you put on anything after that?

Speaker B: Obviously, you only do it at night. So I cleanse, I do my very calming Larouche moisturizer and then this, and that's it. And I wake up and my skin is, like, so soft, it's crazy. It's fixed. My texture, too. My texture is, like, softened up. So it's really good.

Speaker A: That's great. I've seen that online. I wanted to try it. I mean, I use a trentinoin, which, I don't know, trentinoin stronger, but I'm not positive. And my skin tolerates it fine because I've been doing retinol for so long, on and off. But the tretinoin is, the consistency is a little. It's almost a little pasty. So when you put it on, it doesn't easily spread.

Speaker B: You kind of have to work it in.

Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, if I do moisturizer first, it helps. And it also does make my skin more dry. I can't use it every night, so that might be a nice.

Speaker B: Yeah, see, that's the opposite to what any retinol has ever done to me. This is the opposite to what usually retinols dry me out. And I feel like I'm so dry to begin with. I mean, it's dead of winter, and this is hydrating me for sure. And actually, I just pulled it up. The reason why it is so mild, it is the mildest form of vitamin A. It's called retinol esters. So it is just super gentle. And then if you do try it, it's suggested to just start slow. Maybe start with, like, one day a week, and then add two. I kind of ramped up pretty quickly. I kind of know what my skin can go through. So I did, like, two or three days, and then I pulled back, and now I'm doing it, like, three or four nights a week. Nice.

Speaker A: Love that. Okay, well, on the skincare topic, I have two skincare things to review. So this one is new, and it's more of a drugstore find. It's aveno calm and restore triple oat serum. And this is really good if you have red, irritated skin or, like, inflammation. So I don't have any serums that have oat in it. Like, I didn't really think about it, but I was getting a facial, I don't know, I guess before the holiday day, and she put a serum on, and she was like, oh, your redness. Because I have this one red patch that I'm trying to get rid of. It's, like, texture and red. And I've been trying to get rid of it for a while. And she put, like, a serum that they had made in house with oat in it. And she said the redness went down. And then I looked, and it really had gone down. So I was like, oh, where do I get an oat serum? I've never even heard of that. And she's, like, the only one I can think of because they made in house is, like, the savino. So I bought this, and it's actually really nice. It's very thin, and I put it on first thing in the morning. Sometimes I do it at night, just depending on how I feel. But it really does kind of calm that redness and inflammation, especially for the winter. So I'm really enjoying it.

Speaker B: Sounds like it's soothing.

Speaker A: Yeah, sometimes. What I also have been doing is putting a little bit in my hand and then mixing it with, like, a liquid bronzer. Like, either the Westminutelier dewdra or the westminutelier. They're like some sort of tanning or bronzer drop kind of things, or, like, the drunk elephant ones. And mix it together and then kind of put it on with a brush, and it's just like a light. Just kind of thins it out and makes it, like, glowy.

Speaker B: So nice.

Speaker A: I really like it. I've only been using it for, like, a month, but it's a good serum.

Speaker B: To pair with other serums and easy to get. It's a vino. You can get that at any drugstore for the most part.

Speaker A: Exactly. I think I bought it on Amazon, but, yeah, I'm sure they have it at the drugstore, too.

Speaker B: Kids, too. I wonder. Maddie might like it, like, if it's gentle for sensitive skin and everything.

Speaker A: Yeah, very gentle. I mean, the first ingredient is water.

Speaker B: Okay. I think another reason why. I don't know. This is just conjecture, but I have a theory. The other reason why I'm tolerating the a three one three so well is because, I am embarrassed to say, but I wasn't wearing sunscreen every day, and now I am.

Speaker A: Where have you been?

Speaker B: Shame on me.

Speaker A: That's all we talk about.

Speaker B: On me.

Speaker A: What's that phrase, that cobbler? Like the shoe. Do you know what I'm talking about, though? That phrase? It's like the cobbler about a shoe. I don't know. I have to look it up online. But it basically says, like, you tell.

Speaker B: People you don't do it for yourself.

Speaker A: Yeah, but there's, like, a famous phrase that I'm forgetting. But we'll cut this entire thing out.

Speaker B: No, it's hilarious. You're just getting your idiom mixed up. That's all it is. Okay, so I'm using the tinted sunscreen by LaRouche. It's the tinted mineral anthelios light liquid sunscreen. And this is an SPF 50, and it's great. I mean, it's just such a good one. It's almost like a too sheer to just do it as I think it's during the warmer months. And I was actually getting a little bit of color on my face from the sun then I probably could, but it's a little too sheer for that. I'm just so pale right now. I don't know. I definitely need a little bit of a build up. If I'm going to work, if I'm just like, hanging around the house or running errands, then I'll just wear.

Speaker A: You'll just wear that?

Speaker B: But that's one thing I like about it, is that it's very thin and sheer and it just doesn't feel like some sunscreens, they leave film or they pill a little or something. And this one's really nice. So La Roche always has such great products.

Speaker A: Yeah, you always find good La Roche stuff. And my local cvs doesn't have that many La Roche things, I feel like, because I've never seen that.

Speaker B: Our cvs is really familiar. I've noticed that when I visit my parents, they don't have a whole lot of La Roche products at theirs either.

Speaker A: Yeah, there's like some stuff. But I have to look for that mineral. Yeah. Because I still am using the beauty of Josene, one that I reviewed, which I still love. Very thin SPF 50. I don't know, I think it's mineral. I'm not sure, but, yeah, it's great. Well, congrats on wearing sunscreen every day. Do you wear it as your first or your last?

Speaker B: I wear it as my last. And it's like before, I was doing these retinols at night and then I wasn't. Sometimes I would have sunscreen on, but sometimes I wasn't. And now I'm being really religious about it because the retinols make your skin sensitive to sun. So, yeah, I put it on very last and I think.

Speaker A: Do you use that in place of.

Speaker B: Your moisturizer in addition to in the winter? Yeah, for sure. But it's the mineral. I feel like the mineral piece is what makes it so nice on your skin. Right. Don't you think?

Speaker A: Well, some mineral sunscreens are. That's why I asked. I don't like the texture, but they're getting better.

Speaker B: This one's.

Speaker A: That's good.

Speaker B: That's very lightweight and it doesn't leave like greasy filmy or anything. It's very nice.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker B: Yeah, love that.

Speaker A: Okay, my next one is something I've been wanting to try. I've been using it for, I don't know, a month or two. It's a recommendation by our friend Natasha B. Beauty junkie monkey. It's the topology. Peptide complex eye cream.

Speaker B: Yes.

Speaker A: I was looking for a night eye cream because I didn't really have a good one. I think I was telling you I used that beauty of Josene like retinol eye cream, which is good, but it's thin and it's like a different consistency. This one's very thick, which I like for the winter, so it just feels really soothing. I don't know about results yet. My under eyes definitely look good, but.

Speaker B: I don't know what's your under eyes look great. Let me think.

Speaker A: I have a little bit of my favorite, that color corrector that I wear, the Milani one. I mean, that's like every day, but that's all I have on. Yeah. So I really like this a lot. It's just like a nice thick, it's really nice for the winter and I've been testing it out, so morticon. But I think it's good. There's no scent. It's just like a nice feel. Sometimes I use it in the morning, but I mostly use it at night because I felt like in the morning I have stuff, but at night I didn't have a good one to sleep with.

Speaker B: She loves her topology and actually she's the first person that I ever heard that brand reference from. But I mean, she goes on and on and on about it. It's supposed to be so great.

Speaker A: Yeah, I would like, well, I have their matrixal and I have their.

Speaker B: What's the other one?

Speaker A: The matrixal and the arguraline that I use. And so I think the combination of those with this has improved my skin because they're all peptides.

Speaker B: It's like all different types of try.

Speaker A: I'm into it.

Speaker B: Okay, well, back to skin. My last one is Charlote Tilbury's flawless filter. I mean, this thing has been around, but we have never reviewed it and I don't use it a lot. But I started using it in the last, I want to say just like few weeks. I feel like the first time I used it was like Adam's holiday party or something. But when I first bought it, I thought that it was going to be more of like a concealer coverage situation. And it's not. It is. Yeah. It's like a, it's just like a base to have really glowy, healthy skin and to help your makeup sit on your face as it should and stay. And that's exactly what it does. It really gives you, especially like in the winter when your skin is so dry and I'm more fair, it just gave me a nice base to have dewy fresh face instead of dewy.

Speaker A: Yeah. I have one that I've had for years that I never used. I maybe used it once or twice. I have to try it again.

Speaker B: Is it not thick? No, it's actually really thin. And I feel like the first time I got it, I was disappointed because I didn't know how to use it properly. But I think the idea is that you really do have to layer your coverage with it. So I'll put coverage on, and then I feel like, oh, look, I'm a little too shiny or greasy, but then you have to set it with the powder. And if you do all of those steps, it leaves you with beautiful, flawless, photo finish looking skin.

Speaker A: So do you put it everywhere or you just kind of put it.

Speaker B: No, I put it everywhere. I take dots of it, and then I blend it with my brush.

Speaker A: With your finger brush.

Speaker B: And then I do my concealer on top of it. I don't ever do foundation. A lot of people do the foundation stuff. I don't do that.

Speaker A: I know I never do.

Speaker B: And then I go through everything else, and then I finish with the translucent setting powder. And under all of that, I still look like I have glowy, shiny, healthy skin. But you're matte in the right places. Like your tzone. You've got your powder and your concealer.

Speaker A: And you're still using the powder. Like the twisty one.

Speaker B: I use that one, and then I use the kosis.

Speaker A: I still have to try that kosis.

Speaker B: Finishing powder as well.

Speaker A: Pro tip on the flawless filter. There's a dupe for it. Elf halo glow, which a lot of people use and like it better or like it the same. I haven't tried it yet because every time I go to get it, it's always sold out. But that's another good one to try, because some people buy, they'll buy either the Charlote Tilbury one or the elf one, but they'll buy, like, a different color. So a lot of people will buy them in a bronze color, so they'll use it as, like, a bronzer instead.

Speaker B: Of a skin, which you can definitely do that consistency. I could see how that would work.

Speaker A: Right. Okay, so speaking of makeup, my last product, which I'm in love with, I just discovered it. I don't know if it's new or not, but it's the makeup by Mario. It's called the soft pop plumping blush veil. Soft pop. This is like a tongue twister soft pop plumping blush veil. And this color is called perfect pink. There's other colors too. It's just like a soft.

Speaker B: Is it powder or cream?

Speaker A: It's cream. Very light. And I just apply it with, like, it's all you need is just, like.

Speaker B: A little bit, like, look, it's pretty.

Speaker A: And then it's just pretty little.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: See what I'm saying? See how bright it is?

Speaker B: It really so nice pigment. It's like heavily pigmented.

Speaker A: And a lot of times I'll use, I'm like putting on a lot right now just for the drama of it all, but a lot of times I'll use my finger for blush and I've decided that sometimes my fingers almost rub in the blush too much and then I have no color. So I started using a brush with this because I saw someone using this and I was like, well, I'm going to try it. And it works so well. You literally need like a couple of dots and you're good. It's such a pretty color and such a nice formula. Really thin, not greasy, just like really nice for the winter. So that's what I've been using. I brought this on vacation with me and wore it every day.

Speaker B: It is a really pretty color. Nice.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: All right. Well, is that our quick.

Speaker A: Well, that's it.

Speaker B: It's just a quick one today.

Speaker A: But we'll be back with more of these. So hope everyone had a great new year and we will see you next week.

Speaker B: Happy New year.

Speaker A: Bye. Thanks for listening to Nirvana Sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes. Please subscribe and leave us a review. Also find us on Instagram at Nirvana Sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would, please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana Sisters. We'll continue to watch out for all things wellness. So you don't have video. Bye.


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